a night less ordinary @ cuckoo club
London’s Cuckoo Club is not typical of the venues we have played. For a start, it costs about £25 to get in. Incredibly exclusive. So not exactly the class of punter that we started to out playing to in Sheffield and – errrr – Glasgow!
We did about 6 great shows at Cuckoo Club in 2009. There was usually a lot of hanging about. Then, turned midnight when everyone was ready, 45 minutes of rock mayhem! Rockaoke, casually straddles all boundaries of class, race, gender etc… And of course everyone loved it! They wanted to see more of us. But we were dead busy doing other gigs that happened to be paying better fees at the time. So I believe they even got another band in at one stage.
We almost landed a dream gig in Brindisi. One night we met this guy who wanted to fly us out to his villa and for us to spend the week there hanging out, rocking out etc… Sounded great to us. Less so to my wife. It didn’t come off though. I think I was just a bit too northern to take the guy seriously. It sounded a bit too good to be true. Maybe the other band went.
Anyway, we got a great article in COMPANY magazine’s october 2009 issue. “A Night Less Ordinary” was a very good description of our nights at Cuckoo Club. See the full article at https://www.rockaoke.com/company_oct_2009.pdf.
Last month we landed a gig at the prestigious Brits 2010 Aftershow. And the guy who booked us saw us at Cuckoo Club. So, no surprise we are keen to play at Cuckoo Club again in 2010. Because things happen down there…